The Absolute World Taekwondo Championship will be held with KPNP

  • 최신 업데이트일 : 2023-10-11 09:29항목구분
  • 최초 작성일 : 2023-01-18 13:47항목구분
  • 원문 뉴스 작성 언어 : 한국어

Between May 29 and June 4, a new version of the World Taekwondo Championship will be taking place and the WT has already confirmed the electronic scoring system that will be used in said competition.

Baku, Azerbaijan will host the "2023 World Taekwondo Championships", in an unusual periodicity, since it will not be two years after the last World Cup held in Guadalajara, Mexico in November 2022, but in just six months and this is because the Mexican appointment had been postponed due to the pandemic.

The Korean clothing and electronic protectors firm KPNP, was confirmed by the World Taekwondo Federation (WT) as the PSS to be used in Baku.

KPNP had a successful 2022 that includes an agreement with the European Taekwondo Union (ETU) and participation in various elite events such as the World Junior Championships in Bulgaria, the Manchester Grand Prix and the Saudi Arabian Grand Prix Final.



The "2023 World Taekwondo Championships" in Baku will have the additional seasoning that will seal the celebrations of the 50th Anniversary of the WT.


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