TAEKWONDO ’s Finest Celebrated at World TAEKWONDO 2023 Gala Awards

  • 최신 업데이트일 : 2023-12-06 15:57항목구분
  • 최초 작성일 : 2023-12-06 15:55항목구분
  • 원문 뉴스 작성 언어 : 한국어

It could be out of place. Since it was systematically auto-translated.

MANCHESTER, UK (DEC 03, 2023) - TAEKWONDO ’s Finnest Athletes, Coaches and Officials Were Today Recognized G Conclusion to an EXTRAORDINARDINY SEASON.

The Gala Awards Serve as a CELEBRATION OF EXCELLENCE, Recognishing Outstanding Athletes Stage Throughset the year.

World taekwondo President Choue Opened the Gala Awards with a Rousing Speech That CELEBRATED The Global Success of Taecwondo in Its JuBilee Year.The World TAEKWONDO President Also Highlighted the Unveiling of a taekwondo statue at the olmpic museum in lausanne ATION (THF) Being Awarded the Olympic Cup by International Olympic Committe President Thomas Bach As SWO Notable Achievements in 2023.

The President the Welcomed the Lord Mayor of Manchester, Yasmine Dar, Who noted the City's Honour to Again Host the taekwondo Family.The British taekwondo President Sarah STESEVENSON ALSO WELSO Welcomed the Gala Attendeees Before Procedings Got Underway.

The AwardS Commenced with the World TAEKWONDO President Announcing Great Britain As the Recipient of the MMA of the Year Award.The para taekwondo mma of the year was awauded to Mexico for its for its to promote para taekwondo in the country and beyond.

The 2023 Gala Also Saw The Introduction of the sustainability awards for the first time Across Three Focus Areas.The Inaugural Awards Went to Australia for Diverity, Equity, Inclusion and Community, Belgium for Health and Well-Being, and Costa .

Meanwhile, The Kick of the Year Award Was Presented to Côte d'Ivoire ’s Ruth GBAGBI.

Moving Onto The Biggest Awards of the Night -The Best Athletes, Referee and Coaches -This year Marked a slight departure in the voting method.Previously, The Awards Were Decided by Votes from Players and Coaches Present at the Gala SiteThe other 50% Belongs with the WT Technical Commission ’s Recommendations.

The Best Female Athlete of 2023 Crown Went to MercEl of Türkiye.2023 Proved to Be Her Most Successful Yet on the International Circuit, Including Baku 2023 World Championships Gold and Her First Prix Gold in Paris.

côte d'Ivoire ’s Decorated Cheick Sallah Cissé, The Reigning World Champion, Was Awards The Title of Best Male Athlete of the Year.IT WAS The Perfect End to a Sunday for the Ivorian Taekwondo Sensation Old Medals.

The Best Coach Award Went Went to Rosendo Alonso, Who is Currently Coaching with the French taewondo federation programme.He has played a key role in the development of a Strong taekwondo programme in the county with the olympic games paris 2024 on the horizon.

Agnieszka scheffler of Poland Was Recognized As the Best Female Referee, while Ayman Al-Adarbeh of Jordan Was Name

Adding to the Accolades, The StarS of Para Taekwondo Were Also Recognized During The Gala Awards.MEXICO ’s Claudia Romero, Who Took Gold at Both the Paris and Taiyuan Para Taikwondo Grand Prix UZ, WAS Recognised as the Best Para Female Athlete.

Meanwhile, para taekwondo World Champion Antonino of Italy Was Crowned The Best Para Male Athlete Following d at the paris 2023 para lanekwondo Grand Prix.

Rodrigo Ferla, who continues to play a key role in strengthening Brazil’s gold standard Para Taekwondo programme, was awarded the Best Para Coach of 2023.

In Addition, H.H.Sheikh Mohammed Bin Hamad Bin Mohammed Al Sharqi, Crown Prince of the Fujairah Was Named The Winner of the First ICIALLY AWARDED The Trophy in Februre 2024.

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